Durian, who did not know the fruit of this one? Typical skin and strong aroma makes it all the easier to know him. Fruit with the Latin name of this lowianus Durio highly favored by all walks of life, whether old, young, women, and men. But even so, the fruit is often cause some of the effects and dangers when consumed in excessive amounts, especially when consumed by pregnant women. Well, durian-related hazards for pregnant women, we have compiled the following information.
Recognize Danger Durian for Pregnant Women
Durian is a fruit that is actually beneficial for pregnant women. The existence of various vitamins and iron contained in it is helpful expectant mothers to meet daily nutritional needs. However, in the womb, there are three harmful substances that lurk health of pregnant women and the fetus when consumed in excess. The third substance is arachidonic acid, alcohol, and iron.
Causing contraction and Miscarriage
The content of arachidonic acid present in the fruit durian often spur the formation of prostaglandin compounds in the womb of pregnant women. These compounds when produced in large quantities will be able to stimulate contractions early in the fetus. The case of the contraction intensity that often can lead to birth defects and severe conditions could even trigger a miscarriage.
Causing Babies Born Premature
In addition to arachidonic acid, durian hazard for pregnant women is also caused by the alcohol contained in considerable numbers at this fruit. alcohol alone, for pregnant women can interfere with fetal development so that it can not grow optimally. Pregnant women who consume alcohol will usually give birth to premature babies with very low body weight.
High Blood trigger on Pregnant Women
Durian contains iron in considerable amounts. Iron itself will generally be a spur heart beat faster, resulting in high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension condition is not good for the development of the fetus because it would hamper the process of transport of nutrients from the pregnant mother to her fetus through the placenta. Just like alcohol, high blood pressure also often cause premature birth and birth becomes more risky.
Of the three durian danger to pregnant women, perhaps there will be further questions from pregnant women. How to processed products made from such tempoyak durian, durian candy, and ice cream durian? Are they also may pose the same danger? The answer is YES. All products are processed durian also pose a risk for the same effect. Despite, the risks posed generally not so great because the contents of harmful substances in durian usually go missing along with processing in such a way.
Durian Fruit Eating Tips When Pregnant
If during pregnancy you crave to eat durian there are some tips that can be done to avoid any danger durian fruit for pregnant women as described above. The following tips:
- Limit consumption of fruit durian maximum half a day so the amount of harmful substances in durian that enter your body too much.
- Durian skin penthidenol part in containing compounds that function as arachidonic acid neutralizing. Therefore, if you are after eating durian flesh, eat a little skin inside so that the negative effects that can be caused arachidonic acid can be eased.
- Avoid consumption of durian if you are pregnant women who suffer from high blood pressure, as this could increase the risk of miscarriage up to 2-fold.
- Eat overripe durian is not because of the amount of alcohol contained is generally less
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