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Dizziness overcome When Pregnant Young

Written By Unknown on Friday, July 10, 2015 | 12:08 PM

Dizziness during early pregnancy is one of the most common problems they complained, the pregnant women who were undergoing early phase of pregnancy. This complaint is very disturbing activities, so medical treatment and handlers must be obtained for those who are suffering. However, do you know if during pregnancy, a person must not consume any obat.Ya, drugs not prescribed by a doctor usually can disrupt fetal growth and developmental stages. Well, realize that the following we will discuss about dizziness during early pregnancy and how to handle and treat it safely.

Dizziness when Pregnant Young
Dizziness when young pregnant or the first trimester is a very common complaint. Typically, this type of headache with neck strain is the most common type. In addition, dizzy with headache unbearable squeeze on both sides of the back of the head and neck are also quite a lot going on. Actually, why does this happen?

Normalised dizziness during early pregnancy and what its adverse effects on growth and development of the fetus? For sure, cause dizziness during early pregnancy is not yet known. However, some experts consider pregnancy if no other occurrence of this problem is due to the influence of pregnancy hormones, the increased volume, and blood circulation. These three things are some important factors that trigger a headache during pregnancy occurs. These factors will be more likely to cause dizziness, especially when combined with the problem of insomnia, lack of sleep, eye fatigue, allergies, stress, depression, or dehydration.

Though it would heal by itself when entering the second trimester of pregnancy (at this age the hormones of pregnancy will return to normal), dizziness during pregnancy nonetheless would interfere with the activity. Therefore, the treatment needs to be done because it was feared this complaint could also interfere with fetal development. Then, treatment measures what can be done?

1. Avoid Food Triggers To avoid dizziness during early pregnancy, you of course need to avoid foods that could potentially trigger this problem. Some of these foods include foods that contain MSG (flavor), artificial sweeteners, tape, foul-smelling foods, and foods that contain high nitrite or nitrate.

2. Use Compress If the headache has begun to attack, you are advised to use a compress. Compress that used to be a hot compress and cold compress. However, I tend to recommend to use a cold compress alone. Cold compresses are peppered with little aroma therapy can help your body relax and reduce migrants suffered dizziness.

3. Cold Water Shower head side or migrant Dizziness can also be alleviated with a cold shower. Yes, a cold shower in the morning by wetting the entire body apparently can reduce the pain you suffered. However, if your health condition does not allow it to do this, you can replace it with a face wash or sprinkled a little cold water on your face. I myself do this, and the result is quite amazing.

4. Avoid Tired, Haus, and Hunger Fatigue, thirst, and hunger are 3 conditions that can trigger a headache during early pregnancy. To prevent fatigue, you are advised to mencukup need your rest with sufficient nap and not doing strenuous activity. To prevent hungry, you can eat small meals but often. Meanwhile, to prevent thirst or dehydration, drink water in between your busy life.

5. Relaxation movement is too young pregnant women often complain of dizziness may also make some movement relaxation by practicing safe as meditation, yoga, or self hypnosis. The third movement can reduce stress and eliminate the habit of dizziness are common, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.
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