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Efficacy and Benefits of Mango Leaves for Treatment

Written By Gagak on Saturday, June 20, 2015 | 12:31 PM

Do you love fresh mango and legit? ... I'm sure a lot of people like this one tropical fruit. In addition to delicious, mangoes are also rich in many health benefits because they contain high nutrients. But if the leaves mango how? ... Behind the rough texture, it is equally mango leaf with fruit. It also contains vitamins and medicinal. Are you also aware of the great benefits of this? If not, then this time you've been in the right place which gives a lot of important information, and you will soon know.

Mango leaves are rich in medicinal and healing properties. And if you do not know, then you will lose a lot of things in life!

Mango leaf content:

Young mango leaves reddish or purplish and still feel soft, then it will change color to dark green to pale when the bottom is old. Leaves fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B and vitamin A. It also rich in other nutrients. Mango leaves also have strong antioxidant properties because it contains high flavonoids and phenols.

This is the efficacy benefits of mango leaves to health and medicine

1. Treating diabetes:
Tender leaves of the mango tree contains a substance called tannin or anthocyanidins, which are useful to help treat the early symptoms of diabetes. Dry mango leaves or already in powder form is used as an infusion for this treatment. Mango leaves are made as tea is also very good for this purpose. The trick soak mango leaves into a cup of water overnight. Then Strain and drink the next day to help relieve the symptoms of diabetes. May help treat high blood sugar or hyperglycemia, because the leaves of this tropical fruit contains compounds called tarakserol - 3beta, and ethyl acetate in synergy with insulin to activate GLUT4 and stimulates the synthesis of glycogen.

2. Lowering blood pressure:
Mango leaves can help to lower blood pressure, because it has properties hypotension or lower blood pressure. It also may help strengthen blood vessels and relieve varicose veins.

3. Eliminate the uneasy feeling:
For a person who is always agitated by anxiety, mango leaves could be a good home remedy. Add 2 to 3 cups of mango leaf tea into the water bath to help treat anxiety and refresh the body.

4. Break down gallstones and kidney stones:
Mango leaves help treat kidney stones and gallstones. Take powder of mango leaves are dried in the shade, then milled into powder, add water into a glass, and store overnight. This will help break the stone and remove it.

5. Troubleshooting Breathing:
Sngat mango leaves good for all kinds of respiratory problems. It is especially useful for people suffering from fever, bronchitis, and asthma. Boil the mango leaves in water, then drink with a little honey can help heal cough effectively. It also helps to heal voice hoarse or lost.

6. Cure Dysentery:
Mango leaves may help treat bleeding due to dysentery. The drought dried mango leaves in the shade, create a fine powder, then taken with water two to three times a day to stop dysentery.

7. Ear Pain:
Using mango leaves as a natural remedy for ear pain can provide a cure. One teaspoon of juice of mango leaves are used as ear drops can help relieve earache. Warm a little before use.

8. Healing Burns:
To heal skin burns, burns handful of mango leaves to ashes. Apply this ash on areas that suffered burns. This will be very helpful.

9. Stop Hiccups And Throat Problems:
If you are suffering from hiccups or other throat problems, mango leaves is a good natural remedy. Grilled mango leaves and breathe a little smoke. This helps to cure hiccups and throat problems.

10. Rinse the stomach:
Add a few leaves of mango into warm water, then cover tightly and leave overnight. In the morning, strain the water and drink when stomach is empty. The regular intake will work as a good tonic for the stomach and helps prevent various stomach ailments.

Although mangoes are seasonal, but the leaves are there all year round and easily available anywhere, so you do not need krepotan to obtain it at any time.
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