One of the pieces that were encountered around us are fruits. Even in Indonesia there are several types of fruits with somewhat different characteristics and flavors. This fruit can we find in the traditional markets. The price of the fruit is also quite low so it can be reached by almost everyone. The benefits of fruits is also stout used to be processed into other products, such as bark chips.
Scientific language of this fruit is Salacca zalacca. These fruits are a type of palm tree with the fruit that can be eaten. The fruit that we can meet everywhere these turned out to have a lot of nutritional value. In fact, the benefits of these fruits can also be to treat or reduce some types of diseases.
The content contained in fruits are generating calories by 77 calories, protein, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, water and vitamin A. Vitamin A found in carrots can cause inflammation due to its sugar content very high. Therefore, for people who are dieting, vitamin A can be obtained by eating bark juice.
Research has been done by the Nutrition and Food Research and Development center RI health department said that the content of beta-carotene contained in 100 grams of bark 5.5 times more when dibaningkan with mango, 3 times more than the guava and 5 times more than the watermelon red. From the study clearly shows that the bark has many benefits for our body.
The benefits of fruits for our health, among others, are:
1. Treating diarrhea
Problems that occur in the abdomen, such as diarrhea can be overcome by eating bark as much as 20 grams.
2. Maintaining eye health
Fruits can maintain the function of the eyes because they contain a high beta-carotene.
3. Giving full effect long
Long full effect is caused by bark contains a lot of fiber and vitamins 2 mg that takes absorption in the gut longer.
4. Improve the performance of the brain
Salak contains potassium and pectin are important for the brain. Potassium works to be used by the autonomic nervous system that works menegndalikan heartbeat, set a person's intelligence and other physiological processes. While pectin serves to block the reproduction of cancer cells and reduce the occurrence of apoptosis and treat prostate cancer.
In addition to the above benefits are also the benefits of fruits to the beauty that used to help the diet. This is because in the bark there is the content of nutrients and phytonutrients are grim potentially help the diet. In addition bark also contains vitamin C as much as 2 mg, tannins and fiber. In fruits also contained 28 mg of calcium, 18 mg phosphorus and 4.2 mcg of iron. The contents of this then buh very instrumental to produce minerals and fiber to our body. Fiber here that have the greatest role in the diet because of the presence of fibers then defecating we will be smooth and metabolism also can run better. For that there is no barking regularly consume salahya. If do not like to eat bark directly, can also consume them by making juices and other ingredients are added according to taste.
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